Thursday, July 10, 2008

Blog 1

Hi! I'm Georgina, a first year design student, and hopefully majoring in Interior Architecture next year.

For the first project we did in Desn 111, we had to create a cardboard and wire model using only straight lines and cuts, therefore no curves are allowed. As well as a drawing which showed the shadows that were being created by the wire model.
The image shows the drawing of the wire model and its shadows, the bolder thicker lines show a plane and side view of the model. I rotated the shadows around the two views which, helps to capture the amazing shadows that was projected, overlapping the shadows helped to make it abstract. I left the centres of the lines hollow, which helps to create a 3D effect, that I thought helps to contribute to an amazing composition. By using the hatching technique helped to give depth to the drawing. Overall I love the drawing and feel that it gave justice to the overall composition and the shadows havce been captured and shown well.


Gayatri Makan 112 said...

nice blog oi :D

Sylvia Betham said...

hey george
nice blog mate

safwan_kamarudin_112 said...

aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhh....... gorga.......